

North Park University’s pre-professional track for physical therapy is a sequence of courses and advising that will give you a solid foundation for your applications to competitive physical therapy schools around the country. The pre-physical therapy track should accompany a major—most often 生物学, 心理学, 体育训练, or 运动科学—where you’ll also gain a deeper understanding of the workings of the human body.


Pre-physical therapy students are advised typically by Dr. 琳达维克 in the Biology Department or Dr. 大卫·班尼特 in the Psychology Department and the director of health professions advising, Kristine Aronsson. Your advisor and Kristine will speak with you about your particular interests in physical therapy, and help you stay on track throughout your program at North Park. Our Pre-Health 建议 Committee—a group of faculty in the Division of Life and Physical Science and the director of health professions advising—will work with you to make sure you are prepared for your applications and interviews for physical therapy school.


We recommend you take the following courses alongside your major and 核心课程 requirements to prepare for physical therapy school and a career in healthcare. These courses meet the prerequisite requirements for most physical therapy 项目. 然而, you should investigate 项目 you’re interested in to make sure you complete any other specific requirements. Some courses may also meet major/核心课程 requirements. For full course descriptions and major requirements review the 学术目录.

Physical Therapy Admission Prerequisites

  • Introduction to Human Anatomy
  • Introduction to Cell Biology
  • 医学术语
  • Advanced Human Physiology
  • 附加生物课程
  • Introduction to Chemistry I
  • Introduction to Chemistry II
  • Additional Biology or Chemistry course
  • 物理入门I
  • 物理学导论II
  • 介绍统计
  • 微积分我
  • Introduction to Psychology
  • 发展心理学
  • 变态心理学
  • 社会 & 行为科学



Nate Cercavschi C’10 has wanted to become a physical therapist since a knee injury at age 12 exposed him to the profession. Now earning his doctorate in physical therapy, the pre-physical therapy track at North Park prepared him to achieve his career goal.

Read more about Nate’s experience.