

Intramurals add a competitive edge to North Park’s campus activities. The opportunity to play against fellow students, as well as faculty and staff, is exciting. 然而, North Park University expects all 球员 to conduct themselves with respect for all 球员, 观众, 官员, 和监督者. Players or teams that do not adhere to appropriate conduct standards may lose the privilege of participation in both IMs and the opportunity to use the 海威格娱乐中心.

To ensure that a fun and safe competitive atmosphere is maintained, a sportsmanship scoring system will be utilized 在 all intramural sport leagues and tournaments.


Officials will score each team based on the actions of their participants at the conclusion of each game. 将考虑的行为领域将包括, 但并不局限于语言, 犯规次数, 尊敬官员, 以及游戏过程中的整体行为. Failure to attain at least a “B” average may hinder a team’s opportunity to play in the post-season and other tournament or league play. The scoring system that each official will use is described below.


Players cooperate fully with the 官员 and other team members. The captain calmly converses with 官员 about rule interpretations and calls. The captain also has full control of his/her teammates, 板凳上, 和观众. 以罚球方式获胜的队伍将获得“4”分.” Teams that receive any verbal warnings for use of profanity cannot receive higher than a “3” rating.


Team members verbally complain about some decisions made by the 官员 and/or show minor dissension. If any player on a team receives a technical foul the team cannot receive higher than a “3” rating.


Team shows verbal dissent towards 官员 and/or the opposing team. 队长对他/她的队友表现出轻微的控制, 板凳上, 和观众, 但他们自己的态度是可以控制的. Teams receiving multiple technical fouls cannot receive higher than a “2” rating.


Team consistently comments to the 官员 and/or the opposing team from the court or 板凳上. 队长对队友几乎没有控制力, 板凳上, 观众, 和/或本人. A team that has a player ejected due to disciplinary reasons cannot receive higher than a 1 rating.


团队完全不合作. Captain does not have any control over teammates, 板凳上, 观众, 和/或本人. 任何导致比赛被取消的队伍, 除了不露面, 或收到多次弹出将获得“0”评级.


Team 船长 are responsible for their 球员 和观众 prior to, 在, 跟着比赛. The IM program will not tolerate unsportsmanlike behavior directed toward sports 官员, 监事, 工作人员, 球员, 观众, 和/或程序. 不符合体育道德的行为包括, 但不限于, 言语或身体虐待, 语言或身体威胁, 试图打架, 战斗, 身体攻击另一个人, 和欺骗.

违反体育道德的个人或团队, 由校内监事决定, 会被淘汰出局吗, and will be subject to further disciplinary action determined by the Director of 校内的运动. 任何人(包括运动员), 船长, 以及批评的观众, 喧闹地阻碍, 嘲笑, 或试图贬低IM官员, 对方队员, or an IM supervisor shall be liable for expulsion from the program. In addition, a game may be forfeited at the discretion of the official, IM supervisor, and Director. Individuals demonstrating this behavior must meet with the Director of 校内的运动 before start of the next contest. Failure to do so will exclude that individual/team from the next contest.


Patrons are required to follow all 海威格娱乐中心 and Intramural rules and policies. Individuals failing to abide by rules and policies are subject at minimum to the below discipline policy. All infractions will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis and, 在某些情况下, punishment for failing to follow rules and policies may be more severe than what is listed below.

第一个进攻:  A verbal warning will be given with written documentation of the infraction.

第二个进攻:  A second verbal warning will be given with written documentation of the infraction. The patron must have a conference with the Intramural Director to discuss his/her behavior. The patron will be asked to leave the building and will lose privileges to use 海威格娱乐中心 for the remainder of the day.

第三个进攻:  Privileges to use 海威格娱乐中心 and participate in intramural sports will be lost for the remainder of the semester and behavior will be reported to appropriate campus authorities.